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Year 4

In Year 4, we start our day by joining the rest of the school for Wake and Shake, which is a highly energising ‘wake me up’ session! Our song which we perform to is “ Can't Stop the Beat” by Hairspray.


We then have our English session and then Maths after morning break. In the afternoon, we have our group reading activities followed by learning based around our creative learning journey theme (CLJ). Our learning for CLJ incorporates a number of curriculum areas taught through one set theme. Our CLJ themes this year are ‘Caves to Castles’ (Autumn Term), ‘I'm in a rainforest, get me out of here’ (Spring Term) and ‘Rocking Romans’ (Summer Term).


Our classroom is colourful, engaging and helpful to our learning. The learning walls and classroom space offer a celebration of all the fantastic work that we have produced as well as supporting the learning we are currently doing.


During Year 4, we also go on a 3 day residential to Leeson House which is a great opportunity for us to show teamwork, independence and enjoy spending time with our classmates.


If you want to see some of our amazing learning, please check out our class Twitter page: @Year4StIves

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