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Year 2

In Year Two, we begin our day by joining the rest of the school for Wake and Shake, which is a short but fun and energetic exercise session. We then have our daily literacy lesson following the Read, Write, Inc. programme. After play we have maths using the Inspire programme. In the afternoon, we have our group reading activities. Most other curriculum areas are covered through the Creative Learning Journey (CLJ). Our learning for CLJ incorporates a number of curriculum areas taught through a set theme. The themes begin with a WOW Day to inspire and engage the children and also allow them to explore their own interests. Our themes in Year Two are:

Autumn Term – Light up London

Spring Term – What’s your Superpower?

Summer Term – Let’s Explore our Wonderful World

Our classroom is colourful, engaging and aids our learning. The displays celebrate the wonderful work that we do and the achievements of all the children. In addition to the work that takes place in school we have weekly home learning tasks to support our classroom learning.

Please follow our Year 2 Twitter page @stivesprimaryy2

Call the school secretary,

Mrs Holland on:

01425 475478

Find us: St. Ives Primary School

Sandy Lane, St Ives, Ringwood. BH24 2LE

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