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St. Ives School Association (S.I.S.A.)

St. Ives School Association (S.I.S.A.) is St. Ives Primary & Nursery School’s Parent Teachers Association.  All parents, carers and teachers at the school are automatically members.  The main role of SISA is to raise money to fund additional items that the school need. This is mainly achieved through organised events during the year including the Christmas and Summer fairs, discos, DVD nights and second-hand uniform sales.


Recent purchases have included interactive whiteboards for the classrooms, a samba drum set, iPads, benches in the playground, repairing play equipment in the playground and a complete revamp of the Reception class outdoor area.  We are currently raising funds to buy 2 (hopefully 3) outdoor table tennis tables for the children's use.


The other main role of SISA is to manage the school swimming pool, which has been completely parent funded from the start, over 40 years ago.  This facility enables the school to offer 2 hours of swimming lessons a week for all children from Reception to Year 6 with a qualified swimming instructor in the second half of the Summer Term.


If you have any comments, feedback, suggestions or want to get involved please let your Year Rep know, send an email to or let the school office know and they will pass on the message. We are always looking for volunteers to help us make the organised events as enjoyable as possible for the children, their families and the local community.

Join our Facebook pages:

  • SISA St Ives School Dorset

  • SISA Swimming Pool only (this one is for information on swimming pool activities)

S.I.S.A. Newsletters

Call the school secretary,

Mrs Holland on:

01425 475478

Find us: St. Ives Primary School

Sandy Lane, St Ives, Ringwood. BH24 2LE

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