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Roles for Children

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The School council and Team captain roles are elected by the children and the Ambassadors roles are selected by school staff.

School Council 
The school council is a group of children from Y1-6 who are elected by their class mates to represent their views and make a positive contribution towards school life.  The representatives meet regularly to discuss issues about school and any matters their class would like to raise.  They plan and carry out fund raising activities and events, such as holding events, helping organising and running events to raise money for the chosen charity of the year. 
What qualities does a school council representative need?
•    Organised
•    Caring
•    Hardworking
•    A good listener
•    Communicate ideas and opinions clearly
•    Responsible
•    Considerate
•    Committed

Election process
The election process takes place during the second half of the summer term ready to begin the role in September.  Children wishing to run for election must present their ideas and why they think they will be a good council representative to their class.  Every member of the class will vote for the person who they think would make a good school councillor.  The two children who receive the highest number of votes will become the new school council reps for their class.  This is usually a boy and a girl however in the case that there is a significant difference in the number of boys to girls this could be two of the same sex.


Team Captains
Each colour team (Red, Blue, Yellow and Green) has two Year 6 representatives that are chosen to be positive role models for the rest of the school.  All Year 6 pupils are invited to submit a Team Captain application. Candidates undergo an application process that includes writing a manifesto and a presenting this to children across the whole school in their team. 


Election process
The election process takes place in the first few weeks of the autumn term.  Children wishing to run for election must write a manifesto.  This is a presentation which explains their personal qualities and why they feel they would make a good Team Captain.  They may include ideas regarding future events and activities and how they will represent their team in developing and improving the school.  The children will present their manifesto to children across the whole school in their colour team the week before voting.  

What happens on Election Day?

Every member of the school will vote for a boy and a girl from their colour team.  Votes are cast on mini ballot papers and then put into ballot boxes in the school hall with all classes.  The two children (one boy and one girl) who receive the highest number of votes will become the new Team Captains for their colour team.  This is usually a boy and a girl however in the case that there is a significant difference in the number of boys to girls this could be two of the same sex.

Successful candidates are then offered the Team Captain role and presented with their badge in Achievers assembly.

Each Team is represented by a different colour and children can earn points for their team in curricular achievements and/or effort. Each week the points are counted and during the Achievers assembly the children are told the scores. The colour team that wins that week supports in the assembly with handing out certificates/stickers/badges. 

Sports Ambassadors
Sports Ambassadors have an important role to play in the sporting and physical wellbeing life of St Ives Primary and Nursery School. The aim of having sports ambassadors is to develop young leaders by providing them with the responsibility of promoting PE and school sport within their school. They demonstrate the six key values: determination, honesty, passion, respect, self-belief and teamwork. The sports ambassadors are six Y6 children (three boys and three girls) and two Y5 pupils (one boy and one girl) who show key sporting attributes.  Class teachers propose children for this ambassador role using their knowledge of the children throughout the school and who they feel are best suited for the role.  School staff propose children and state valid reasons for their proposal.   Class teachers, senior leadership team and the PE leader are all involved in the decision making.  Successful candidates are then offered the captain role and presented with their badge in the Achievers assembly.  The Sports Ambassadors will attend Sports Ambassador training alongside other schools throughout the school year.  The Y5 sports Ambassadors continue as Sports Ambassadors in Y6. 

Learning Ambassadors
Ambassadors have an important role to play in the daily life of St Ives Primary and Nursery School.  Candidates in Y6 undergo an application process that includes a letter of application and shortlisting to the teaching staff leader of the relevant subject.  Class teachers, senior leadership team and the relevant subject leader are all involved in the decision making. Successful candidates are then offered an Ambassador role and presented with their badge in assembly.  The school has a range of Ambassador roles and is very proud of the children who put themselves forward to take these roles on. 


Pupils are made aware of the responsibility that accompanies these roles and the high standards of behaviour that all ambassadors must adhere to.  An ambassador role is an excellent learning experience and a fantastic opportunity for children to excel, take responsibility, gain and share knowledge and skills in their chosen subject. 


•    You can only be a school counsellor once whilst at St Ives Primary School
•    You cannot be a school counsellor and a Team Captain in Y6
•    You can hold a Team Captain/School Counsellor position and be an ambassador

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Call the school secretary,

Mrs Holland on:

01425 475478

Find us: St. Ives Primary School

Sandy Lane, St Ives, Ringwood. BH24 2LE

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