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Religious Education

The aim of religious education is to enable children to develop an understanding of the nature of religion, its beliefs and practices. Children acquiring knowledge of religion, exploring and reflecting on human experience, as well as developing sensitive attitudes will achieve this. Children will be encouraged to develop sensitive attitudes towards others.  We follow the Discovery RE scheme. Throughout our RE lessons we promote discussion and value differences in opinions. At St Ives Primary School, collective worship is mainly of a broadly Christian nature, promoting British values. As part of our ethos we value the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) education and provide opportunities for pupils to have ‘reflection’. This is often delivered within RE or PSHE. 

Call the school secretary,

Mrs Holland on:

01425 475478

Find us: St. Ives Primary School

Sandy Lane, St Ives, Ringwood. BH24 2LE

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