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In the ever-changing digital world that we live in, here at St Ives Primary, we recognise the crucial element of E-safety within our Computing curriculum.  We are committed to educating staff, pupils and parents to ensure that online dangers can be identified and responded to appropriately.


The E-safety element of our Computing curriculum uses resources provided by National Online Safety, an organisation committed to making the internet a safer place for children.  The resources are designed in line with the statutory requirements for schools, including the Education for a Connected World framework.  This supports one of the key aims of the government’s Internet Safety Strategy of supporting children to stay safe and make a positive contribution online, as well enabling teachers to develop effective strategies for understanding and handling online risks.


The Education for a Connected World framework has been broken down into 8 separate aspects of online education and the E-safety lessons we provide from Nursery through to Year 6, follow the same strands:



  • Self-image and identity

  • Online relationships

  • Online reputation

  • Online bullying

  • Managing online information

  • Health, wellbeing and lifestyle

  • Privacy and security

  • Copyright and ownership

In addition to the E-safety education provided to pupils at school, we also aim to ensure parents are better informed about online dangers.  We provide weekly E-safety segments in the school newsletter which contain relevant, up to date information about current apps, games or websites which all pose potential risks to our young people.



For further information, please follow this link to the National Online Safety website:

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Call the school secretary,

Mrs Holland on:

01425 475478

Find us: St. Ives Primary School

Sandy Lane, St Ives, Ringwood. BH24 2LE

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